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Well, Well, Well....

Near the end of last month, I had officially announced the TeamIPX _REd & Fuzz YouTube page… Today… the 6th of July, 2016… We have published our very first video! Although it may not be the best thing you have ever seen, this is personally a big achievement for me… I have always wanted to show others what me and my friends do and allow others to find their own new hobbies. From today we hope to upload (at least) once every week. We are going to have a new person recording every week (Fuzz, PewPew, and myself). We would still really like to see some of you in a game. And we hope to record the next IRLC! If possible, please leave a like and a comment!

Thanks very much!

Video Link:

Ta Ta!


Fuzz's picture

Nice work

That came up quite well. There’s not a heap you can do about the resolution – I think its fine anyway. Thats just the state of internet in Aus.

Was good fun rewatching our game. I’m looking forward to getting some recordings of gaming nights. 4v4 RL. Or Smokin Guns. Or whatever we end up playing.

I totally agree on it being a big achievement. I feel exactly the same way about wanting to be able to share / capture the fun we have gaming. I’d love to be able to look back at the games we played when IPX first began. Next best thing is to start capturing some of them now so in 10 years we can look back on these times too :)


n0mad's picture

m0re m0re

The fans cheered….


Robag_Jr's picture

where is it now what about

where is it now what about the 50K subs video

Fuzz's picture

VAC Banned


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